Retirement Business Coach/Mentor    

The International Coordinator of Retirement Business Academy 

  Bibi Apampa will coach you and help you to Build and Grow Wealth, Become A Serial Entrepreneur Create Multiple Streams of Income For A Stress Free Retirement 

Your Dream Does Not Exist You Have To Create It

My Passion Is To Build People and 

Organizations into High Performance 

Players Making Maximum Impact

 All Round  .... Bibi

 During the coaching sessions wih Bibi Apampa you will encounter a Super Wealth Coach, a Business Mentor and a Marketing Queen all in one! A unique and highly powerful combination!  

Bibi Bunmi Apampa - Successful Serial Entrepreneur, Chartered Accountant, International Speaker, Trainer, High Performance Business Coach and  No1 Amazon Best Selling Author

Bibi Apampa "The QueenMaker"  is a High Performance Business Coach and Business Consultant with certification from The Coaching Academy, Cambridge University Uk and Academy of Professional Coaches

An Internationally sought after No1 Amazon Best Selling Author on Personal Transformation with her book "How To Make Maximum Impact In Life"  hitting No1 on and on the day it was released 

She is also a Top Motivational Speaker, Business Consultant and Wealth Strategist who has helped many people improve their lives financially, physically, personally, spiritually and professionally.

Bibi is currently the Director of The Empowerment Centre Ltd, A Chartered Accountant, Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and Fellow Chartered Institute of Taxation.  An Internationally recognized adviser on Rich Retirement Planning and a regular trainer  on Transformational Leadership , Wealth Creation, Financial Empowerment, and Business breakthrough strategies and techniques.

Bibi not only knows how to make money Online, Offline and in between... but she also knows how to coach and mentor successful people, change mindsets ... and ultimately lives 

Together we can achieve the greatest results possible within the quickest time frame. 
If you can dream the mountain ...      Bibi will help you climb it 
Coaching Programs - 
 ·        Empowerment Coaching – Life Coach sessions for Leadership & Personal Empowerment
 ·        Serial Entrepreneur Coaching – to Build and grow multiple successful businesses 
  ·      Celebrity Branding – Coaching to become a Global Celebrity
 ·        Published Author Coaching – "Book Mid-Wife" to become a published Author in three months
 ·        Best Selling Author Coaching / Campaign – Become a published International Best Selling Author

Bibi will Develop A Personalized High Performance Business Coaching Strategy Specifically Tailored  for Your Individual need, environment  and situation 

                            Highlights of our Coaching Programs      

Best Selling Author Coaching

Build Your Brand with Book,Raise Your Profile and Increase Your influence by Becoming A Published Author

Best Seller Campaign 

Let us  help you get your book listed, Published and marketed to Best Seller Status on Amazon and Other International Online Book Sales Portal 


Empowerment Coaching

Empowering You to Succeed Excel and Prosper. Step into your Power Zone

Set and Achieve your Goals, find your Passion, Maximize your Potential,        Design your Lifestyle, Network              effectively and Leave A Legacy 



Celebrity Branding 

Building Authority, Celebrity, Best seller and Expert Status

Let us  help you Build your Brand, Raise your Profile, Increase Your Influence Manage your online presence, make you famous in your industry 



Serial Entrepreneur Coaching

Aquire Wealth and Business Building Skills. Create Multiple Streams of Income on Autopilot 

 Let us work together to start and grow your business taking it to the next level with no glass ceiling



Why Work with Bibi

Remember Your Dream Does Not Exist You Have To Create It

    Join the Coaching / Mentoring Circle Today

Let me ask you a few questions. Do you:

Ø wish to develop your imagination and mindfulness;

Ø wish to be more influential and charismatic;

Ø wish to enliven and enrich your conversations;

Ø wish to be highly valued by your friends;

Ø wish to tap into minds of others at some deep level;

Ø need your offers and ideas accepted, impart unforgettable messages and speak with authority;

Ø wish to invoke and capture stories to make sense of and respond to situations;

Ø wish to succeed and get the perfect results when faced with some crucial conversations? 

Many people know what they’d like to transform their lives, but don't have the resources or knowledge on how to do something about it.

What if you could easily flip a switch and experience:

Ø Greater Success

Ø Better Relationships

Ø Real Confidence

Ø More Happiness

Ø Multiple streams of sustainable income 

It is possible to have it all. You are about to embark on an exciting journey with an amazing guide who understands you and wishes nothing more than to help you improve your life personally and financially You can ultimately break free from whatever it is that is holding you back!

I look forward to seeing you at the top

To your Success,

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